We connect SMEs and the capital market.

Small & Mid Cap Investmentbank AG focuses on structuring and supporting financing solutions for mid-cap companies. The focus is on capital market and stock exchange transactions such as capital increases (with and without subscription rights) and IPOs as well as bond issues/IBOs. SMC-Bank also specialises in providing banking and securities-related support for stock exchange transactions such as listings, delistings, downgrades, tender offers, conversions of registered shares and admission of shares to the regulated market.

10th SMC Impact Investing Day

April 1st 2025

Our figures speak for themselves

Years of experience
Successful transactions

A selection of our clients

Our SMC – Small & Mid Cap Investmentbank AG – is characterised by efficient structures as the basis for innovative strategies and sustainable solutions. Our clients appreciate our transaction security – and our discretion. Our satisfied clients include:

Bauer AG

Capital Increase

February 2023

Staige One AG

Reverse IPO

October 2023

Kontron AG

take-over Bid

February 2024

Your Family Entertainment AG

Listing m:access

March 2024

About Us

The Small & Mid Cap Investmentbank AG is an initiative of entrepreneurs, bankers, consultants and board members on the subject of “SMEs and the stock market”. The employees of SMC Investmentbank form an experienced capital market team with over 100 years of successful transaction experience from various institutions in Germany. Our services are based on the in-depth expertise of all our employees in structuring and supporting capital market transactions, as well as a qualified and robust network of advisors and initiators. In addition, we have established ourselves as one of the leading providers of professional banking and securities execution services for capital markets transactions in the DACH region, with around 60 transactions per year as lead manager and bookrunner.

Small & Mid Cap
Investmentbank AG

Barer Straße 7
D-80333 Munich

Phone: + 49 89 54 54 388 0
Telefax: + 49 89 54 54 388 20



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